Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dead stings.....

So on one of my days of in Jordan I hired a car and driver to take me down to the Dead Sea.  It's about 1400 feet below sea level.  Normal sea water has a salinity of something like 4-5%; the Dead Sea is about 33%. Very little if anything lives in the Dead Sea, and its waters are so corrosive it's not even worth boating there.  I was told boats last no more than a month before they are eaten through. For centuries the Dead Sea has been a destination for those afflicted with skin disorders such as psoriasis. It's muds and salts have theraputic properties. There are signs everywhere, however, that advise bathers not to get water in their eyes.  It's a rather polite and indirect way of saying not to get it in any of the other mucus membranes of the human body.  After only a few minutes I saw children previously awe-struck by the remarkably boyant waters running screaming for the showers.


1400 ft. below sea level - yikes!

Floating euros

more of the same - although not shown, I am wearing the same speedo and chain as the gentleman in the foreground.

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